Daniel’s Story
In January of 2017, while out to dinner in Boston on a business trip, I sat next to a new co-worker and our lives would change forever. As we started chatting, I started to get visions, receive pictures and have feelings that were not my own. I did not completely understand what was going on. I've had this happen before, but when it did, I would just deliver the subtle message and didn't think much of it. This time, it was different. It was much more intense and significantly more powerful! After about 45 minutes, and with many tears from both of us, we had no doubt that somehow, the woman’s deceased husband was with us in spirit. The messages he was relaying to her we extremely accurate and they seemed to almost heal her as we sat there. The information and details that he expressed to her were things that I could not have known by any ordinary means. Her husband (Bob) shared things about her and her family that all but confirmed that he was still a very big part of her life, even though he “passed away.” Some of his messages were funny yet some were more serious, but most of all, they were HEALING to her, and that made her feel SO GOOD! The messages for her and for their children we absolutely beautiful ! It was awesome! She said she felt amazingly blessed after the experience!
Even after this, being a natural skeptic, I still did not believe that it could be possible to speak to people who have passed away. Maybe I just got lucky and guessed all those things. After all, it was against everything I was ever taught. Growing up Catholic, and then becoming a born-again Christian in high school, you are not supposed to “communicate with the dead” (if you even could). It was strictly forbidden. I was taught in my Catholic elementary school, that I could not even talk to God, unless I went to the church or spoke to Him through a priest. Not only that, I thought that when we died, we went to Heaven (or hell) and that was it. After that night, I was on a journey to find out what this "life" really is all about... regardless of everything I was ever taught!
THIS is what I ask of you… Be skeptical… but be open-minded.
It can be uncomfortable to seek new understanding. It is important to know that what you might discover, may be different from everything you have ever been taught, and from what you currently believe to be true!
5 years earlier...
In the fall of 2012, I was raking the leaves in my yard and I heard a voice in my head. It said...
"If you quit gambling, you have a gift.”
I'm still not sure, even to this day, who that really was. Was it me making things up? Was it an angel? The Holy Spirit? God?
To this day, I still do not know. What I do know, is that the message became full circle in 2017.
In March of 2017, I finally did quit all gambling for good. After that, life started to get very interesting.
In May of 2017, I visited a local medium who is well known and respected in the area. I went into the session as a skeptic about this whole thing (even after I had the experience above and many others like it), but I came out a true believer! She validated things about me, my friends and my family that you could simply NOT make up or find out on Facebook or Google. I never met this woman before and she said “Grandma Ida says hi”. IDA! How can you guess that? She doesn't even have the same last name as me! (There were about 30-40 unbelievable validating messages that she delivered) That day I started to understand that there IS life after life! And those who have “crossed over”, can still communicate and support us from “the other side”. They are still part of our lives! They love us unconditionally and they can guide us if we let them, and if we pay attention!
More about me
I am the President and founder of Heaven for the Homeless (www.heavenforthehomeless.org). I am a certified medium (https://www.findacertifiedmedium.com/mediums/ny/geneva/daniel-john.aspx), and a Master Reiki practitioner. I have taken Astrology and mediumship development classes and performed over 2500 mediumship sessions. I meditate daily and I receive Reiki and Acupuncture on a regular basis. I have read well over 200 books (I have listed some books below for your reference because all books were inspired by God) and seek to understand more and more every day! I encourage you to do the same as there is so much information out there to educate yourself with. I am on a journey in which my main goal is to help as many people as I can, while awakening myself and others!
I have always loved helping people.
I LOVE it!
I am honored and humbled to have this gift from God. My role in this world is to help people find/repair/strengthen their relationship with God. Unfortunately, when people “lose” a loved one, it can sometimes damage their faith in God. I am here to help reestablish that connection!
There is so much more to life than what we see! So much more! If you take the time to relax, open your heart and mind, meditate, educate yourself, as well as practice being loving, compassionate, forgiving to others, while setting your intention to find out why you are here, and discovering how you can be on your highest path in life while serving God, the answers will become clear...
Religion and mediumship
When someone asks me what religion I am, I simply respond with “I am LOVE”!
There are over 4000 religions in the world, and I believe each one serves its own purpose.
I don’t believe that one religion is better or more correct than another.
In my opinion, religion can be a great foundation to know “God.” I feel that it does not matter what religion you are, and I feel that you don’t need a religion to know Him. He is in you! (Luke 17:21)
Heck…you don’t even need a “medium.” I and other mediums are just here to help people find and trust in Something Greater than you can imagine!
I come from a Christian background, and although I choose to follow Jesus’ teachings, I am a big supporter of “to each their own” in all aspects of our lives! Including religion!
In my opinion, you do not need a medium, but we all NEED LOVE (Which many people call “God”) (1 John 4:8)! God (Love) is the way, and He (“It”) is the Truth. Due to things like stress, grief, diet, pain and many other life experiences, people sometimes lose their faith and in-turn, weaken their relationship with God. As a medium, I receive messages from the spirit world, that are intended to help people put themselves on their highest path. Most, if not all of my spiritual guidance/mediumship sessions, lead the sitter to building a stronger faith and relationship with God. I feel the Holy Spirit uses people like me to help others navigate to their highest life path, and universally trust in God.
I believe in God, and I believe Jesus was and is real. I believe Jesus shared many great insights and teachings. I believe we are all part of “God” (John 10:34) and that our goal as human beings is to live life like Jesus did (WWJD). I believe Jesus came here to show us the way to live (from a place of Love, not sin), and most of all to teach us that we do not die. I believe in many teachings in the Bible and other spiritual books. I believe we are all here to love and experience life in the physical form, so our souls can grow closer to Love “God”.
Since I have accepted this gift from God to serve Him by helping others (1 Corinthians 12:4-11 & 1 Peter 4:10), I have had some people question the work of mediums because the Bible “clearly says that mediums should not be consulted”, many times throughout the Old Testament specifically...
And I say this....
In the Bible, Jesus teaches about compassion, forgiveness, eternal life and Love (God) among other things. A medium is defined as a halfway point between two extremes. The halfway point between the spirit world and the physical world is considered a medium. As mediums, we do what we do to illustrate eternal life and Love to the grieving left here on earth. It's that simple. We are channels so our loved ones can tell us that they did not "die", they still exist and they are very much a part of our lives, even though they are not here in physical form. The main reason I do this work, is to help people understand that there is so much more to life than we can see, that our loved ones are still with us and that Love lasts forever! It’s all about Love because GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:8)!
You can quote any verse in the Bible about how mediums are a no-no, but please understand…
Jesus was a medium (Matthew 17) and so was Paul! (Approximately 1/2 of the New Testament was channeled and then scribed by Paul) (Galatians 1:11)
Mediums with the purest intentions, like myself and many others, are doing what Jesus showed us we as human beings are capable of. If Jesus can consult with Moses and Elias in spirit (Matthew 17:1-8), and he also asked us to be imitators of him (1 Corinthians 11:1 and John 14:12), then we can communicate with spirit (with proper protection and intention), especially if we are doing it to help other people. We would not have a Bible if it were not for channeled information! That information can only come from spirit through a “medium”!
(John 14:12) “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
A medium is just a halfway point between two extremes. Every writer of the Bible is technically a medium. Each scribe and messenger of the modern Canan are simply an in-between, between the spirit world, and the physical (Earth in our case) world. The Bible is FULL of spirit communication with human beings for our benefit, and it did not end 2000 years ago. Spirit communication continues today with the intention of helping us live our best lives, with God. Please read 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12 verses 4-11. How can you refute from that in this scripture, God has given people certain gifts, including prophecy, and spiritual divination, to help others? It says it right there!
So wait…if the Hebrew Bible reads “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritualist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord." (Deuteronomy 18:9-12), then wouldn’t Jesus be detestable to His own Father!?
Of course not! I believe Jesus was pure. I cannot explain this contradiction from the Bible. It could come down to interpretation. What I do believe is that “God” is in all of us and “It” is what/who we are made of. Listen to your heart and to Him. Trust that He will guide you through your thoughts and through your heart (Proverbs 3:5-6). Again, my role is to nudge those who need it, toward their highest path in life. I feel that we can all benefit from having a personal relationship with Holy Spirit/Jesus/God/Love (as I believe they are all One) (John 14:20).
When a medium is a person who uses their God given gift (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11) out of LOVE, with pure intentions (to heal grief and teach), it would be against God (Love) to not to accept these gifts from Him so He can help others through you (1 Peter 4:10-11). I believe God has placed many people with certain gifts here on this Earth to help humanity understand that we are more than what we see with the naked eye. I feel honored that He chose me along with many others, to raise the Earth’s vibration and to help people choose Love and compassion over fear!
If you witnessed all of the 2500 or so sessions that I have been blessed enough to facilitate (and you can because I have most of them recorded), you would understand that they are full of God’s UNCONDITIONAL Love. Mediums spread Love by sharing messages from those in the spirit world no matter who that may be. Mediums illustrate that we do not die, that our loved ones are actually still alive, and that there is eternal life as Jesus showed us! Our understanding of eternal life is essential for our soul’s growth!!
The Bible, the Bhagavad Gita, the Quran and Torah are not the ONLY texts that were inspired by our Creator. Please know that the Holy Spirit speaks to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US through songs, symbols, synchronicities and many other avenues and texts besides just one book.
Click below to check out our video on YouTube about mediumship and its relationship to Christianity.
Below, I made a list of books (that God led me to when I asked of Him) that changed the way I look at life. I encourage you to pick a few and open up your mind and your heart.
Trust in Him with all of your heart (Proverbs 3:5)!
Journey Through Many Mansions Daniel John :-)
Why Are We Here Daniel John :-)
How Would Love Respond? Kurek Ashley
The Alchemist Paulo Coelho
The Power of Now Eckhart Tolle
Many Lives Many Masters Brian Weiss
Talking to Heaven James Van Praagh
Between Two Worlds Tyler Henry
One Last Time John Edward
Hello from Heaven Bill and Judy Guggenheim
Infinite Quest John Edward
The Happy Medium Kim Russo
The Law of Attraction Jerry and Esther Hicks
There’s More to Life Than This Theresa Caputo
Heaven and Earth James Van Praagh
Miracles Happen Brian and Amy Weiss
Unfinished Business James Van Praagh
Growing up in Heaven James Van Praagh
Signs from the Afterlife Lyn Ragan
Never Argue with a Dead Person Thomas John
Psychic Development for Beginners Natalie Nolan
The Love Never Ends Sunny Dawn Johnston
Third Eye Alex McKenna
Psychic Exact Blueprint John Marsh
Good Grief Theresa Caputo
Physics Healers and Mediums Jennifer Weigel
Developing your Own Psychic Power John Edward
The Light Between Us Laura Lynne Jackson
Life After Life Raymond A. Moody
The Universe Has Your Back Gabrielle Bernstein
Life Between Heaven and Earth George Anderson, Andrew Barone
Bridging Two Realms John Holland
Messages from Spirit Coletete Baron-Reid
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up Theresa Caputo
Your Soul’s Plan Robert Schwartz
Guided Linda Deir
Already Here Leo Galland
Crossing Over John Edward
The Secret Language of Spirit William Stillman
Journey of Souls Michael Newton
Meditation with Eternity Eric Pepin
Mindfulness in Plain English Bhante Gunaratana
The Medium Next Door Maureen Hancock
The Story NIV The Bible as One Continuous Story of God
Return to Love Marianne Williamson
The Disappearance of the Universe Gary Renard
A Course in Miracles Made Easy Alan Cohen
Destiny of Souls Michael Newton
Your Souls Gift Robert Schwartz
41 Signs of Hope Dave Kane
A New Earth Awakening to your Life’s purpose Eckhart Tole
Ask and It is Given Esther and Jerry Hicks
Evidence of the After Life: The Science of Near Death Experiences Jeffrey Long
So You Thought You Knew: Letting go of Religion Joshua Tongol
So You Don’t Want To Go To Church Anymore Jake Colsen
The Pursuit of God A.W. Tozer
Signs from the Other Side Bill Phillips
Imagine Heaven John Burke
The Celestine Prophecy James Redfield
Through Time Into Healing Brian Weiss
Empath: A Complete Guide For Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self Judy Dyer
Choosing to Be a Medium Sharon Farber
Proof of Heaven Eben Alexander
My Life After Death Erik Medhus
Heaven Randy Alcorn
The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz
Kundalini Awakening Jenifer Williams
To Heaven and Back Mary C Neal
7 Lessons from Heaven Mary C Neal
God and the Afterlife Jeffrey Long
Love Has Forgotten No One Gary Renard
Your Immortal Reality Gary Renard
Where did you go? Christina Rasmussen
Encountering Heaven and the Afterlife James Garlow (I recommend this book with reservation as Mr. Garlow has ain interesting interpretation on “proactive” vs “reactive” spirit communication)
Messages from Above Monica Ten-Kate
Signs Laura Lynne Jackson
Life on the Other Side Sylvia Browne
Expect the Unexpected Bill Phillips
Appointments with Heaven Dr. Reggie Anderson
The Place Between Here and There Stephen Weber and Katherine Plant
Advanced Manifesting Linda West
Love Wins Rob Bell
One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create Erin Werley
The Purpose of Life David Sunfellow
The Lifetimes When Jesus And Buddha Knew Each Other Gary Renard
Dying To Be Me Anita Moorjani
Everything Is Spiritual Rob Bell
Good Mourning Theresa Caputo
The Map of Heaven Eben Alexander
Waking up in Heaven Crystal McVea
What is the Bible? Rob Bell
Heaven Is Beautiful Peter Baldiwin
When Heaven Calls Matt Fraser
The Medium Explosion Robert Ginsberg
The Golden Thread Mediumship in the Bible Sidney Schwartz
Evidence of Eternity Mark Anthony
The Universal Christ Richard Rohr
The Secret Second Coming Patricia Doyle
Embraced by the Light Betty Eadie
Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time Marcus J. Borg
Dying to Wake Up Rajiv Parti M.D.
The Afterlife Experiments Gary Schwartz
After Bruce Greyson
Your Soul’s Love Robert Schwartz
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers Annie Kagan
Glimpsing Heaven Judy Bachrach
One Truth One Law I Am I Create Erin Werley
Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl
The Surrender Experiment Michael A. Singer
The Untethered Soul Michael A. Singer
I’m Still With You Sherrie Dillard
The 7 Principles of Public Speaking Richard Zeoli
We Don’t Die Sandra Champlain
Falling Upward Richard Rohr
The Naked Now Richard Rohr
The Universe is Talking to You Tammy Mastroberte
Journey to the Afterlife Kristy Robinett
The Universe Always Has a Plan Matt Kahn
90 Minutes in Heaven Don Piper
Whatever Arises, Love That Matt Kahn
Things Hidden Richard Rohr
Everything Belongs Richard Rohr
The Wisdom Pattern Richard Rohr
Here and the Hereafter Tyler Henry
Wisdom of Souls Ann Clark
Living Untethered Michael A. Singer
The Akashic Records Edgar Cayce
The Five People You Meet in Heaven Mitch Albom
The Purpose Driven Life Rick Warren
A Guide to Afterlife Communication Audrey Sloan Tate
We Never Die Matt Fraser
Jesus Alternative Plan Richard Rohr
The Unexpected Harvest DJ Johnson
Loving What Is Byron Katie
The Light After Death Vincent Todd Tolman
Into the Light John Lerma
Think Like a Monk Jay Shetty
Heaven and Your Spiritual Evolution Barbara Martin (Chapter 11 and on is amazing!!)
The Christ Cure Tim Murphy (I have some reservations, but a good book overall)
Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus Neil Donal Klotz
The Soul Quake Survival Guide Theresa Shantz
Soul Searching Bill Phillips
I’m Not Dead, I’m Different Hollister Rand
A Second in Eternity Gary L Wimmer
Jesus Tina Louise Spalding
The Jesus I Never Knew Philip Yancey
The Gospel of Inclusion Bishop Carlton Pearson
Death is Not Goodbye Kim Weaver
Mostly What God Does Savannah Guthrie
The Complete Conversations with God Neale Donald Walsch
When Ghosts Speak Mary Ann Winkowski
The Dream, The Journey, Eternity and God Sara Landon
Nothing to Fear Julie McFadden
What Dreams Have Come Stephen and Lauren Simon
A Course in Miracles (Continuously reading)
The Bible (Many Versions) (Continuously reading)
We are all here for a reason.
Consider choosing Love with every thought, action and decision you make!
Love is always the best response to any situation.
Sometimes it is not easy, but please know that Love is the only way!
Spread Love. Be Love. Choose Love.
““Stop worrying about the future, just treat every day as a blessing. Try to be aware of, when you leave this Earth, that you have made a positive difference in the lives of other people””